WAW (Words As Weapon)
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux
It's a fighting game where the aim is to beat your opponent in a clash.
It's up to you to use the right dialogue to counter him and win.
But be careful not to get too angry, or you could injure yourself!
The aim is to beat your opponent and make him lose all his hit points.
There are also two other gauges:
- an anger gauge
- a love gauge
Each sentence has different types, so it's up to you to work out which one it is!
Some types are stronger than others and can do more damage.
The love gauge can be increased if you decide to hit on your opponent. The higher his love, the less damage he will do to you.
Attacking also increases your own anger gauge. If it's too high, you'll snap and lose a lot of hit points. So don't go too hard!
How to play:
TAB: Display the type wheel
CLICK: Click on the bubbles
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